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Why Drs. Sokol and Fox?

Drs. Sokol and Fox, both licensed psychologists, are cognitive behavior therapy specialists who provide treatment for adolescents and adults with a wide range of psychological and life issues. Individual and couple counseling is available. Regardless of the difficulties presented, Drs. Sokol and Fox will collaboratively work with you to set and achieve clear-cut goals to feel better.


Cognitive behavior therapy is a problem-focused, short-term, goal-directed therapy that is based on the model that how you think influences how you feel and how you choose to behave. Psychological and life issues involve problems in thinking that lead you to see the world in a biased fashion. For example, when you’re down you most likely see your world as more negative than it really is and when you’re anxious you probably see yourself as more vulnerable or the world as more dangerous than it actually is.


Drs. Sokol and Fox teach you how to see yourself and your world in a more accurate and realistic way and provide you with many cognitive and behavioral tools so that you can respond, cope, and navigate life more effectively. We want you to be your own therapist so you can count on you.

Please contact us directly to schedule an appointment.

Private Pay only


marci g. fox, ph.d.

21301 Powerline Road, Suite 209
Boca Raton, FL 33433
Office number: (561) 470-1332




1970 N. Broad Street
Lansdale, PA 19446
Office number: (215) 527-9699



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