Leslie Sokol, Ph.D.
Leslie Sokol, Ph.D., a licensed Psychologist, is an internationally recognized leader in the field of cognitive therapy with more than thirty years of experience in practice, teaching, and research. She was a past Director of Education and one of the principal instructors with the internationally acclaimed Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Philadelphia. She has taught cognitive therapy to professional and para professional groups, nationally and internationally, on such topics as: depression, anxiety, personality disorders, stress management, psychosis, substance abuse, and couples’ problems.
Dr. Sokol served as Chairman of Behavioral Science for the Mercy Suburban Hospital Family Practice Training Program for over twenty years where she taught psychiatry and psycho social skills to family medicine residents and staff of the hospital. She continues to serve as staff psychologist for cardiac and physical rehabilitation departments. She also consults in numerous hospice and nursing home facilities. She currently maintains a private practice in the Detweiler Family Medicine office.
Dr. Sokol, is a distinguished founding fellow of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy and a past president. Currently she serves as Chairman of its Credentialing Committee. She is a fellow of ABCT. In these roles, she was intricately involved in the provision and development of training protocols to insure competency in Cognitive Therapy Cognitive Therapy Training, and in the testing and utilization of tools to evaluate this competency.
To further her mission of spreading accurate knowledge of cognitive therapy worldwide, she was Representative at Large for the IACP (International Association of Cognitive Psychotherapy). Dr. Sokol is on the Meet the Experts panel for Psychology Today and an invited member of the Psychology Today and Penguin Speakers Bureaus.
Dr. Sokol has co-authored numerous books and book chapters. Her most current books are: Teaching and Supervising Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Think Confident, Be Confident for Teens: A Cognitive Therapy Guide to Overcoming Self-Doubt and Creating Unshakable Self-Esteem, Think Confident, Be Confident: A Four-Step Program to Eliminate Doubt and Achieve Lifelong Self-Esteem, , and The Think Confident, Be Confident Workbook for Teens: Activities to Help you Create Unshakable Self-Confidence and Reach your Goals.
Dr. Sokol has published in peer reviewed journals. Dr. Sokol has been interviewed for articles in multiple national magazines, such as Redbook, Cosmopolitan, Women’s Health and Shape Magazine. She also has been interviewed for television WCAU NBC10 “10Show” and Better TV, a nationally syndicated show. She is often interviewed by many national and international radio stations including such shows as WLAC_AM “He said she said”, “Martha Stuart Radio ”Sirius Satellite, “I Hear America Talking” WRDC-FM and WLBS-FM, “Montel Williams Show” Air America Radio Network, and “Chefs Table” WHYY.

Marci G. Fox, Ph.D.
Marci G. Fox, Ph.D., a licensed psychologist, has been in private practice for over twenty years and specializes in cognitive behavioral therapy with adults and teens. She has worked with the Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Philadelphia for almost the same amount of time. As an Academy of Cognitive Therapy Certified Trainer/Consultant and Adjunct Faculty Member at the Beck Institute, she trains individuals in cognitive behavior therapy both nationally and internationally. She is actively involved in training thousands of mental health professionals nationally to increase their competency in cognitive behavior therapy.
Dr. Fox has a founding fellow distinction as well as invited placement on the board of examiners and credentials committee of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy. Dr. Fox has lectured for years on cognitive behavior therapy as well as confidence and self-esteem. She has coauthored the books Think Confident, Be Confident: A Four-Step Program to Eliminate Doubt and Achieve Lifelong Self-Esteem (2009), Think Confident, Be Confident for Teens: A Cognitive Therapy Guide to Overcoming Self-Doubt and Creating Unshakable Self-Esteem (2011), Teaching and Supervising Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (2016) and The Think Confident, Be Confident Workbook For Teens: Activities to Help You Create Unshakable Self-Confidence & Reach for Your Goals (2016).
Dr. Fox has published in peer reviewed journals as well as written the explanation and description of cognitive therapy in The Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology and Behavioral Science (3rd ed.) and The Concise Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology and Behavioral Science (3rd ed.). Dr. Fox was recently invited to coauthor an article on the topic of Reframing for inclusion in the fourth edition of The Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology and Behavioral Science published by John Wiley and Sons. She also coauthored the chapter “Dealing with Difficult Cases” in In D. J. A. Dozois (Vol. Ed.). CBT: General Strategies. Volume 1. In S. G. Hofmann (Series Ed.), Cognitive-behavioral therapy: A complete reference guide. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. Dr. Fox wrote an article for PARADE.COM on “6 Ways to Bounce Back after a Job Loss” and coauthored with Dr. Leslie Sokol articles for BELIEFNET.COM on “How to Put Boundaries around Worry”, and Bottom Line Women’s Health on “Secrets to being More Self-Confident”. She has been interviewed for articles in multiple national magazines, such as Redbook, Cosmopolitan, Teen Vogue, Fitness, Shape Magazine, All You, Woman’s World, Better Homes and Gardens, More Magazine, and USA Today. Dr. Fox also has been interviewed for television WPEC CBS12 & FOX29 “DAYBREAK” (PALM BEACH) and BETTER TV (National), and is often interviewed by many national and international radio stations including such shows as the “Montel Williams Show”, WLAC_AM “He Said She Said”, WBIX 1060 AM “Frankie Boyer Lifestyle Show,” and WKYE-FM/WNTJ-AM “Sunday Magazine/NTJ Morning Magazine”.
Dr. Fox graduated with honors in psychology from Tulane University. Upon graduation, she received a Master of Science and Doctorate in Clinical Psychology at the University of Miami. After a year as a Medical Psychology Intern at Duke University Medical Center, she did a first-year postdoctoral fellowship at the Center for Cognitive Therapy at the University of Pennsylvania and a second-year postdoctoral fellowship at the Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy. She worked at the Beck Institute as a Senior Associate for five years before moving into private practice. Dr. Fox continues to play an active role at the Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy in their Extramural Training Program, lectures nationally and internationally, and maintains a private practice in Boca Raton, Florida.
Dr. Fox has maintained memberships in the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies since 1994, the Academy of Cognitive Therapy since 2000, and the Florida Psychological Association since 2007.